Wednesday, May 12, 2010

4 and 5 1/2 month old update

Ready for church


First time on beach
Ready to hit the pool
Sleeping at the pool

Love the sunvisor
Cool dudes in their shades
Put to sleep by the aquarium--takes after his mother!

Ready to cheer for Logan at baseball clinic
Brooks and Pops
First Easter
Decked out for 1st session pictures.
Tuned in to the television

So I am finally updating. A lot of traveling has happened in the last month. My parents flew here to see us and Brooks and I flew back with them. After we were back for about a week, we packed up for almost 2 weeks. We first went to Paul's parents and then drove to Myrtle Beach for a week. The drive to Paul's parents was awful as Brooks does not like the car even with a car tv/dvd! Yes, our five month old has a tv/dvd. The entire trip in the car was not fun but once we got to the beach it was well worth it!

Trying to get ready to go back to work next month but not ready to leave my little guy. I do not think he is ready for me to leave either. We tried nursery at church for the first time on Mother's Day but before I even sat down got page "Please come." They were ready to give him back to me as he screamed from the time we handed him off. We were glad to have him with us but trying to get him used to others.

The following night our neighbors kept him while we went to an ER dinner. He screamed for 15-20 minutes and then had moments of intermittent good moods and bad moods. He woke up about 30 minutes after we got home and Paul went and got him and brought him to me and he just smiled then went back to sleep. He is one smart little boy!

Lots of pictures from playtime, vacation, etc.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I am growing and so funny!

Doing some serious work with daddy
Trying to get his octupus in his mouth

Deep thoughts

Giggling at his crazy mommy!

Chuckling in his bebe seat--has his nightgown on still!

Snuggling with mommy!

Ready for puppet time

Not much has happened in the last few weeks. We have continued Kindermusik and puppet time at Starbucks and gone to church without any more scares! Just wanted to post a few pictures of how interactive and fun Brooks is becoming. He is beginning to understand peek-a-boo, cackling like crazy, likes to watch TV (not sure such a good thing at this early age), and loves to talk. It is amazing how much he changes each day!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

3 months already!

Decked out before frightening church experience:)
Watching "Einstein Mozart"
Little Chunk!
Relaxing with Memaw

Our little man outfit! Having a good time!

Memaw holding our happy boy!
Love resting on Pops!
Morning nap with Pops!

Our six inch snow
Gotta love this face:)

Reading bedtime story! Man I am tired!

what a big boy!

All bundled up!

Well, I have gotten behind on the blog. Brooks was 3 months old yesterday so one month since last post. We have had a great month but it has flown by. We have continued with kindermusik and Brooks is enjoying even if some of the dancing makes him spit up:) We also started going to a story and puppet time on Thursdays at Starbucks. It is amazing and better than kindermusik. Sad thing is that we pay for kindermusik and not the story and puppet time. The time at Starbucks is for one hour with a dollar off coffee for parents and free milk for children old enough. It is fun just to meet other parents. The place is packed--about 30 children! To get a seat have to arrive by 9:30. Crazy what you will do to help your children developmentally. Kindermusik is not a complete waste--Brooks and I are learning to sign and then I reinforce with his Einstein signing video. He is probably a little young but have heard signing is very helpful until they are able to verbalize.

We have had a round of visitors again. Paul's parents came and were here for a short visit--less than 24 hours. Not sure it was worth it. They were probably ready to go back home. They kept Brooks the night they were here so we could go out for Valentine's Day. It was a rough night. He was screaming so they called right after we ordered to see what to do and then again when our food got there. Needless to say I was ready to leave but Paul made me stay to eat but we both ate really quickly. We walked in the door and he was screaming but once he heard our voices he started laughing. What a silly boy! He is very attached to his momma! (he even cries with Paul sometimes which hurts Paul). Makes me very happy but he has to learn to be with others to make transition back to work easier. The following week, my parents visited and it was so good to see them. I miss them so much. I thought I really needed my mom and dad while pregnant but miss them more now that Brooks is here. He had a hard time adjusting to my parents as well. He has Friday morning to get adjusted and to learn to take bottle with my parents before I left to get my hair cut and died brown. Yes, that is right--brown. I love it! Brooks did fine after initial mommy ignoring him time--which was harder for me than him I think. I can't wait for my parents to come back and to get more time with Brooks. Being 12 hours away is not fun!

So taking a bottle with my parents was a big deal. Brooks had been taking bottles since 6 days but all of a sudden decided he did not like bottles and would not take them. I bought about 30 different bottles before finally trying Dr. Brown's and it was amazing! Yes they are $4-5 a bottle but so worth it. I would do a commercial for Dr. Brown's and so would Paul. Sometimes you just need to be able to give them a bottle. Feeding in the car is just not always the most enjoyable for Brooks and I but enjoyable for others I am sure. In fact, on Valentine's morning we went to eat breakfast with Paul's parents and Brooks needed to eat when we got there (still during time he would not take a bottle). I stayed to feed him in car while they got seated and ordered. Paul parked a next to last spot in parking lot. When I was finishing feeding, I realized someone had parked in last spot but I had not seen them. The van had veteran's memorabilia. I walked in the restaurant and an elderly man with a veteran's hat said "well, hello valentine!" I am sure he had the best Valentine's ever:)

Sunday, I took Brooks to church while Paul was at work. Our church is very contemporary and that day we were going on a flight to the Dominican Republic, a site of missions. The music was so loud including "jungle drums" and lights flashing. Brooks was terrified and screamed for a split second but no one could hear him because it was so loud. Then Brooks got adjusted and decided to help preach. He jabbered the whole time and giggled intermittently. A lady at the grocery afterwards said she heard my son talking the whole time. She thought it was cute and I hope everyone else did too, but I am sure some wondered why I did not take him to nursery. The nursery would have been flashing my number the whole service to come get my screaming son. He does not do well without his mommy in the same room. Gotta break that! After church, little Brooks was exhausted and slept most of the day and woke up long enough to eat and take a bath before going to sleep for the night.

Well, hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for spring!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2 months old already!

Love his little overalls!

Quite the physique!

Not so fond of the camera.

He looks like a little boy already and not a baby:(

All dressed up for date night with mommy and daddy!

Love this outfit!

Sweet cheeks!

Ready for Kindermusik in his Valentine's Outfit.

Yesterday marked 2 months since Brooks entered this world! We stayed in until Paul got home then went to Chili's and target to celebrate:) Of course, Brooks had no idea and looked at me like I was crazy when I sang happy birthday to him. That could be because of my "wonderful" musical talent:)

Speaking of music talent, we started Kindermusik last week. Paul says that Brooks will not have a musical bone in his body no matter how hard I try. For those of you that don't know, he says this because of my embarassing lack of musical talent. We sing and dance for about an hour and even have an instrument to have at home and instruction materials. Paul about passed out when he found out I actually paid for this!
Next week, we get our shots! YIKES! Feel awful about it already so bought him a glow worm to give him on Tuesday. Hope he does okay and has no fevers after. We just got over a stomach bug with diarrhea and excessive spit up! It has not been fun being cooped up with the snow and an unhappy little boy. He has only been comfortable laying on my chest. I love cuddling with him but hate that it is because his belly feels bum. Today, he is back to his smily laid back self and I am so happy. When they are sick or ill it makes you feel like you are doing something wrong or just not being a good mommy. I felt like this and had not been out of house in almost a week and that is the main reason we went to Chili's and target to celebrate. Paul thought I might go crazy if I did not leave 2520 Lance Drive:) We had a great time and I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband and baby.
Will take pictures at Kindermusik and post at some point.